What is included in the package of Operation Redemption (and how the epidemic will fly from the world):
(“The list of goods” presented here is clarified in the films “The Secret of the Bible and Redemption” . It will not be carried out by my own strength and power, but through the application of my scientific discoveries – the “Chariot Method” – and first with the help of the “educated” among you. First of all, this list is derived from a plan the creation and it will be done by its power)
Immediate elimination of crime / the corona crisis first in Israel and later in the entire world. The discovery of the Chariot eliminates the need for “Agenda 2030” – “population thinning” and “addressing the climate crisis”.
The unification of educated people from all factions of the public in Israel for one knowledge and one law, will lead to the unification of the people / the public in general.
A new constitution-government-and legal system free from corruption , transparent and accessible to all. First in Israel and later in the world.
A new and all-human insight into: physical reality and history, the origin of nature and humanity and their destiny, understanding the structure of the universe and its operation through the network of its countless “extraterrestrial” inhabitants.
A unifying answer and practical application of the purposes of creation and the Holy Scriptures in the world – the Bible (“Redemption” and “Messiah” ), the New Testament (“Second Coming”, “Kingdoms of Heaven” ), the Koran (“Mahadi” ).
Chariot Project : In Israel, in the Red Sea, a super project will be launched within and around which its corresponding components will be developed: engineering-technological development and scientific research, ecology and environment, culture, communication and education, development and new management of food, energy and knowledge resources. The project will be established and operated with the cooperation and financing of private and institutional entities from Israel and all over the world – scientific and research, academic, religious, economic and more. Later and at the same time, the project’s activity will spread throughout the entire world.
Israel will become a global focus for science and research, for tourism, for the creation and dissemination of cultural and educational systems.
United Management of Planet Earth. Jerusalem will be agreed upon and established as the capital of the world.
A world freed from its current shackles – lack of energy and subsistence resources, hazards and climate change, money, wars and destruction, religions and cults. A state of abundance, peace and prosperity for mankind.
A new, improved, alternative and better world order compared to what is currently presented in the UN programs “Agendas 2021 / 2030”.
Managing contact and exchanging knowledge and resources with universal cultures , some of which (“the Creator”) are partners in the creation of man. (Today, their existence and involvement in the reality of our lives and the relationship with them are classified and hidden from the public)
A revolution in general medicine in Israel and around the world, eliminating diseases, increasing / doubling life expectancy .
“The Redemption Trial” in Jerusalem :
The process of redemption described requires a public trial in Jerusalem which will be recorded and broadcast to the world. Its goals are as follows:
A. To establish the applicability and applicability of the discovery of the Chariot method and its being, without question, a secret and the center of the Bible (which was written as a coded message for the transmission of the method) and that the performance of redemption dictates and obligates the development of the method (building the “Temple of the Creator”) in Israel.
B. To establish, in light of the heritage of the Hebrew people and the principles of the Declaration of Independence on the one hand and in light of considerations of efficiency, sustainability and viability on the other hand, the obligation of the State of Israel to assist in the development of the Chariot project and in delivering the Hebrew-Biblical-Christian-Islamic redemption to all the peoples of the world.
third. To establish the obligation of the State of Israel to allow and assist me as the harbinger of redemption to carry out my duties and vocation as the leader of the project.
d. To establish, through the exposure of the crimes committed and committed against me personally (as a precursor and precursor to this) and those committed and committed against the public – the seriousness of the crime and corruption situation in Israel and in particular in the government and legal systems – and hence the necessity of a fundamental constitutional-governmental-legal change, the details and content of which will be formulated as part of the Merkava project.
God. To establish that this judgment is the “judgment of justice in the last days” which in the prophecies stated that the “Servant of the Creator” / the “Forerunner” / the “Messiah” will rule in Zion before the building of the Hall of Redemption – the Hall of the Creator.
Why is a general and conditional amnesty required?
The wicked, villainous, criminals and/or villains who will be exposed in the redemption trial – leaders, elected officials, judges, civil servants and civil servants, etc. – are entitled to a (conditional) amnesty which will also be granted to prisoners imprisoned as murderers, rapists, robbers, etc. why?
It is not for nothing that it is written that Christ permits forbidden things : his scientific discovery – the Chariot method – establishes that from time immemorial the reality that man experiences has been and is a pre-written and staged educational film, a kind of educational workshop for the human race whose mission and purpose is to train the created in the image as Creator. The effectiveness of the creation workshop film always required and requires the existence and action of sinners and criminals whose educational role “in the film” required/forced them to behave as they did. All of us, righteous as well as wicked, worked together in order to learn, to witness and to understand – and by virtue of this to arrive and find ourselves today together at the gates of redemption.
The main points of the Chariot discovery and its consequences are known among world leaders and presidents and its rulers from 2004 onwards. Since then, trillions have been stolen from the public in the world and human rights have been robbed and trampled on by misrepresentations and hiding the truth. The recent presentation of a “global epidemic” and the exposure of the public in the world and in Israel in particular to the lie and the vaccine/worldwide eradication connection, are not accidental. These events are staged and educational.
It is not for nothing that Israel today is illuminated in a special spotlight as the central ‘action’ site in the production of the creation script-plan – this is a test: will the “Jewish people” wake up to the crimes of their “leaders” committed against them in broad daylight under the auspices of “democracy”, “state of emergency” and “virus” shows New and threatening” and will be able to focus on the main subject that was hidden from him for 18 years – the “long-awaited harbinger of redemption” bound and crucified in Israel, his scientific-Jewish-designated discovery and “teachings” hidden from the public.
A person who watched the (draft) movies “The Secret of the Bible and Redemption” without understanding the connection to this list of goods or part of it, is welcome to respond with a query or a comment. I will try to comment, but it is better for the educated among you to enlighten the eyes of the confused.
My book entitled “Harmonizer of Redemption” will be presented and attached as main evidence and as an affidavit under oath in the Redemption trial.