Its goals:
a. To develop, apply and spread scientific, physical, technological knowledge, alongside spiritual and historical heritage and the insight of the Supreme One as derived from the whole,
b. To develop and distribute technological-engineering devices/tools for the next era – all products of the Pyramid and Merkava Method.
The project highlight -its first main goal: building the “Hall of the Creator” in the Red Sea and bringing it by flight to Jerusalem.
The project – unprecedented in scope and purpose, requires management aiming for agreed global benefit and purpose, transparency and enlightenment, one that is not based on capital gain.
The transition to a ‘new method of knowledge application and utilization’ will be carried out in stages:
Launching of such project – via stages A, B and C below – requires use of the current economic-financial system by offering attractive profit chnnels for investors, with extra benefits to pioneers.
Redemption, the identity-spirit-mind-plan of the Creator, and the Universal Creation System.
A. Books, films and series on the reality of the chariot and the discovery of the chariot, its mentions in history, scriptures, prophecies and religions, its exposure, testing and testing, its development and application.
B. Parks and biospheres to present and explain the chariot. The first base will be operated in the Far East, adjacent to and as part of the pioneer facility for testing and building the chariot. The following parks – worldwide.
C. Broadcasting, discussion, learning and training channels on television, cable and the Internet.
D. A worldwide education, training, formation and assistance network: train instructors in Israel and the world to accept, utilize and channel a new scientific, physical, social and spiritual reality, as derived from the Chariot information and the union between humans, earth, the universe and the Creator.
The project is currently in phase A – before its formal foundation whereas content and objectives are established and will be further finalised later on.
Up to this point the project was financed by myself (ABY). To persue phases A,B,C it will be financed through Three rounds of capital allocation in exchange for shares in the Preliminary Merkava Project (i.e comprising above stages exlusively).
In phase D – upon achieving goals of phases A, B and C as detailed here (expected within 36-60 Mo.) – rights of Preliminary Merkava Project shareholders (worldwide) will be traded – transferred to a global NGO which will be managed and controlled with maximum transparency and efficiency.
Initial purchase of shares and their future sale / transfer will be carried out in accordance with a preliminary Merkava Project shareholder treaty / contract.
In stage D shareholders of ABC will receive compensation and benefits according to the amount and type of shares they hold until then.
My investment and future investment of otherd in phase A will be calculated and reported as phase A investments.
(My personal investment so far includes funds for research, a patent application (first), video films and computer graphics, few prototypes of the pyramid sailcraft, a website, further research activity, documentation and publishing.)
Today, in phase I, we will accept partners and contributions in labor and capital on the existing basis – faith, hope and “good will”, i.e. without the consideration in the shares of the company for the contribution / investment being determined and defined in advance.
Upon establishment of management and legal system – donors-investors of phase A will receive basic shares and the right to purchase shares of phase B in reduced fare, according to their investment (in labor or capital) in respect of the general overall investment.
Phase 2 activity:
• Establishing and communications system.
• Formation of teams / human resources and information systems, research, guidance and training, development, production, law and justice, society, economy and finances, relief.
• Formulation of the “Donation-Return Chariot” – a method, charter and constitution for the management of the project and its resources.
• Launch-exposure-run of the “Pyramid” sailboat model (the prototype and production models).
• Distribution of existing media products – book, movie, TV series.
• Development of the first floating structure, a base for the pioneer park in the Far Sea. Center for the experiment, development and display of: the “Pyramid” sails, the theory of the vessel / knowledge of the chariot, its origin and products.
• Establishment of a production and distribution system for the “Pyramid” sailboats.
• Designing additional pyramid structures: sailboats, floating, mobile and ecological structures.
• Preparation for the production of the “Malach” system and the “Chariot” system.
The Project requires people with the following skills:
• Common sense and faith in Man and Man’s destiny
• Engineering: electronic, electromagnetics, composite matterials,
• Physics, chemistry, mathematics
• Capital management
• Video production, directing and editing
• Graphic and 3D design
• Writing and editingof literature, science and technology, journalism, biblical ritual and heritage
• Web application and networks design / maintenance
• Torah and scriptures research and teaching
• Hebrew language teaching
• Environment and ecology
• Biology, astrophysics
• Medicine and medical technology
• Legal
• Education, spirit and thought
• Health and balance
• Hotels, tourism and hospitality
המיזם נמצא כיום לפני ייסוד פורמאלי בשלב א’ – בו מגובשים התוכן והתבנית ויגובשו בהמשך,.
המיזם בראשיתו (שלבים א’ ב’ ו ג’) בוצע עד כאן ויבוצע בהמשכו בתבנית עסקית-כלכלית-ניהולית מקובלת (שלשה מחזורי גיוס משאבי-אנוש והון בתמורה למניות בחב’ זרם-אור).
בשלב ד’ – מועד השגת יעדי שלבים א’ ב’ ו ג’ כמפורט כאן (צפוי בתם 36-60 חדש) – תבוצע המרה / העברת זכויות מבעלי המניות בחב’ זרם אור (בכל העולם) – לארגון כלל-עולמי ועל-לאומי ללא מטרות רווח, שיוקם, ינוהל ויבוקר בשקיפות ויעילות מרבית.
המכירה / העברה תבוצע בהתאם לאמנה / חוקה שתנוסח בשלב ב’ – השלב הבא.
בשלב ד’ בעלי המניות במיזם / בחב’ יזכו לתמורה והטבות בהתאם לכמות ולסוג המניות שקיבלו / רכשו במיזם עד אותו מועד.
היקף השקעתי והשקעת תורמים נוספים למיזם בעבודה ושירותים עד כה, ובהמשך – לצורך יצירת ארגון ומערך ניהול משאבים והתקשרויות – יחושב וידווח כהשקעות שלב א’.
(תוצרי ההשקעה: בקשת פטנט (ראשונה), סרטי וידיאו וגרפיקה ממוחשבת, אב-טיפוס למפרשית הפירמידה, אתר אינטרנט, פעילות מחקר, תיעוד והוצאה לאור.)
כיום בשלב א’ נקבל שותפים ותרומות בעבודה ובהון לצורך הליכי ייצור וארגון ראשוניים על הבסיס הקיים – אמונה, תקווה ו”רצון טוב”, דהיינו בלא שהתמורה במניות החב’ בגין התרומה / השקעה נקבעה והוגדרה מראש.
בתם שלב א’ ובהקמת מערך ניהול והתקשרויות – תורמי-משקיעי שלב א’ יקבלו מניות יסוד וזכות לרכישת מניות שלב ב’ במחיר מופחת, בהתאם ליחס בין השקעתם (בעבודה או בהון) לסך ההשקעות.
פעילות שלב ב’:
• הקמת מערך ניהול, תקשורת והתקשרויות.
• גיבוש צוותי / מערכות משאבי אנוש ומידע, מחקר, הדרכה והכשרה, פיתוח, ייצור, חוק ומשפט, חברה, כלכלה וכספים, סעד.
• ניסוח “מרכבת תרומה-תמורה” – שיטה, אמנה וחוקה לניהול המיזם ומשאביו.
• השקה-חשיפה-הרצה של דגם מפרשית “הפירמידה” (אב הטיפוס ודגמי-ייצור).
• הפצת מוצרי תקשורת קיימים – ספר, סרט קולנוע, סדרת טלוויזיה.
• פיתוח מבנה צף ראשון, בסיס לפארק-מבנה-החלוץ בים-סוף. מרכז לניסוי, פיתוח ותצוגה של: מפרשיות “הפירמידה”, תורת כלי-הקיבול / ידע המרכבה, מקורו ותוצריו.
• הקמת מערכת ייצור והפצה למפרשיות “הפירמידה”.
• תכנון מבני-פירמידה נוספים: מפרשיות, מבנים צפים, ניידים ואקולוגיים.
• הכנה לייצור מערכת “מלאך” ומערכת “מרכבה”.
לפעילות הפיתוח המתוארת דרושים בעלי/בעלות מיומנויות כדלקמן:
•שכל ישר ואמונה באדם ובייעודו
• הנדסה בכל תחום,
• פיזיקה, כימיה, מתימטיקה
• ניהול הון, מערכות ומשאבי מידע ואדם
•הפקה, במוי ועריכה לקולנוע ולטלוויזיה
• עיצוב גרפי ותלת מימד
• כתיבה ועריכה: ספרות, מדע וטכנולוגיה, עיתונות, טכס מקראי ומורשת
• עיצוב / תחזוקת / ניהול אתרי אנטרנט ורשתות
• לימוד תורה וכתובים
• השפה העברית והוראתה
• תרגום בכל שפה,
• סביבה ואקולוגיה
• מחשוב – תכנה, רשתות וחמרה
• ביולוגיה, אסטרופיזיקה, כל מדע
• רפואה וטכנולוגיה רפואית
• חוק ומשפט
• חינוך, רוח והגות
• בריאות ואיזון
• מלונאות, תיירות ואירוח
Its goals:
a. To develop, apply and spread scientific, physical, technological and applied knowledge, alongside spiritual and historical heritage and the insight of the Supreme One as derived from the whole,
b. To develop and distribute technological-engineering devices that are essential and required for the next era – all of them are the product of the pyramid and chariot method.
A project as detailed – without precedent in its design, scope and purpose requires an array based on – and intended for – all-human benefit and purpose, agreed upon, on transparency and enlightenment, an array that is not based on capital gain.
The transition ‘to a new method of knowledge application and utilization’ will be carried out in stages:
The launch of the project requires the use of the existing economic-performance system, including the definition of profit rates for investors and the provision of extra benefits to pioneers in them.
1. Transportation and energy devices, buildings for any purpose
and. Buildings for any purpose and for separate and combined purposes – residences, industry, public buildings, bridges, halls and stadiums – possessing movement skills and durability in any environment, even chaotic, adapted to any climate and environmental change, can be assembled, transported and operated in any site/area on earth, even in space and in the universe.
G. Systems for biological and medical use, artificial organs, etc.
A. Books, films and series on the reality of the chariot and the discovery of the chariot, its mentions in history, scriptures, prophecies and religions, its exposure, testing and testing, its development and application.
B. Parks and biospheres to present and explain the chariot. The first base will be operated in the Far East, adjacent to and as part of the pioneer facility for testing and building the chariot. The following parks – worldwide.
third. Broadcasting, discussion, learning and training channels on television, cable and the Internet.
d. A worldwide network of education, training, formation and assistance: train instructors in Israel and the world to receive, utilize and channel a new scientific, physical, social and spiritual reality, as derived from the Chariot information and the union between humans, earth, the universe and the Creator.
structure and phases
The project is currently before a formal foundation in phase A – where the content and the template are formulated and will be formulated later.
The project at its beginning (phases 1, 2 and 3) has been carried out up to this point and will continue to be carried out in an acceptable business-economic-management pattern (three rounds of raising human resources and capital in exchange for shares in Zram-Or JV).
In phase 4 – the date of achieving the goals of phases 1, 2 and 3 as detailed here (expected to be between 36-60 new) – a conversion / transfer of rights will be carried out from the shareholders in Zrom Or Co. Ltd. (worldwide) – to a global and national organization without profit, which will be established, managed and controlled with maximum transparency and efficiency.
The sale / transfer will be carried out in accordance with the treaty / constitution that will be drafted in phase B – the next phase.
In phase D, the shareholders in the venture / LLC will receive compensation and benefits according to the amount and type of shares they received / purchased in the venture until that date.
The scope of my investment and the investment of additional contributors to the project in work and services so far, and in the future – for the purpose of creating an organization and resource management system and engagements – will be calculated and reported as phase one investments.
(The products of the investment: a patent application (first), video films and computer graphics, a prototype for the pyramid sail, a website, research activity, documentation and publishing.)
Today, in phase I, we will accept partners and contributions in labor and capital for the purpose of initial production and organization procedures on the existing basis – faith, hope and “good will”, i.e. without the consideration in the shares of the company for the contribution / investment being determined and defined in advance.
At the end of phase one and the establishment of a management and engagement system – donors-investors of phase one will receive basic shares and the right to purchase phase two shares at a reduced price, according to the ratio between their investment (in labor or capital) and the total investments.
Phase 2 activity:
• Establishing a management, communication and communications system.
• Formation of teams / human resources and information systems, research, guidance and training, development, production, law and justice, society, economy and finances, relief.
• Formulation of the “Donation-Return Chariot” – a method, charter and constitution for the management of the project and its resources.
• Launch-exposure-run of the “Pyramid” sailboat model (the prototype and production models).
• Distribution of existing media products – book, movie, TV series.
• Development of the first floating structure, a base for the pioneer park in the Far Sea. Center for the experiment, development and display of: the “Pyramid” sails, the theory of the vessel / knowledge of the chariot, its origin and products.
• Establishment of a production and distribution system for the “Pyramid” sailboats.
• Designing additional pyramid structures: sailboats, floating, mobile and ecological structures.
• Preparation for the production of the “Malach” system and the “Chariot” system.
Required for the project:
The described development activity requires people with the following skills:
• Common sense and faith in man and his destiny
• Engineering in any field,
• Physics, chemistry, mathematics
• Capital management, systems and information resources and people
• Production, directing and editing for film and television
• Graphic and 3D design
• Writing and editing : Literature, science and technology, journalism, biblical ritual and heritage
• Design / maintenance / management of Internet sites and networks
• Torah and scripture study
• Hebrew language and its teaching
• Translation in any language,
• Environment and ecology
• Computing – software, networks and hardware
• Biology, astrophysics, any science
• Medicine and medical technology
• Law and justice
• Education, spirit and thought
• Health and balance
• Hotels, tourism and hospitality