Israel’s Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement (criminally detained):
Binyamin Netanyahu’s avoidance of such message (in his wording) and to act accordingly, is evidence of his conduct of a criminal conspiracy unprecedented in severity and weight, including, among other crimes: treason against the state of Israel, treason of the Hebrew nation, espionage for a foreign entity, crimes against humanity, fraud, war crimes , breach of trust, receiving and giving bribes, robbery and grand-theft of state assets and funds, connection to my personal elimination, assassination (ABI) and more.
The Government of Israel hereby announces a ceasefire in all sectors and fronts and hereby extends a hand of peace to its enemies, on behalf of the Jewish people and all its citizens.
Israel declares and informs the nations of the world about its commitment to the establishment of world peace and the realization of a new human era of abundance, peace and a new knowledge that is compatible with the Bible prophecies, with the Christian faith and the Islamic faith combined.
This announcement is derived from a scientific discovery – the Merkava Method – which was revealed and first presented in Israel in 2003 by Aviv Ben Yakir, an independent inventor and researcher who is not a religious person. Since then, the Merkava Method knowledge was reviewed here by several forums and is yet uncontradicted. The discovery wasn’t put yet into practice. Merkava Method comprise of and connects a most advanced vessel engineering computer-operated systems / structures which present superior physical capabilities of matter and energy manipulation, provides answer and solution to most of Man’s limitations and crises today – in energy, climate and environment, health, global and universal transport and habitat. Established as the secret layer in the Bible, the method presents a new binding interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, One answer to the identity and essence of “God” – “Allah”, to the origin and purpose of Humanity, of all world religions and to the creation method of the universe and life.
As Prime Minister of Israel, I am personally responsible for the delay in this announcement and in disclosure of the information here to the public. Clearly the discovery and its implementation dictate and obligates a new world order, I will not list here the reasons for the delay that were and still are extremely complex, I will refer to that later. As the prime minister and as an Israeli Jew I will assist in every way and means to assemble a peace and reconciliation discourse at a conference that will be convened immediately under the auspices of the United Nations. Aviv Ben-Yakir, harbinger of the anticipated global shift entitled “Redemption”, will present there the discovery and principles of its application, and will address questions and/or disputes by conference participants, including representatives of the Vatican, of Islam, including representatives of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad. The State of Israel will assist Mr. Ben Yakir in developing Merkava method practical application via building the first Merkava vessel-structure described in the Bible as “Creator’s Hall” (in fact Vessel). Jewish tradition calls it the “Third Temple”. Construction will take place in deep sea waters of Eilat at the Red Sea. Upon completion the vessel will rapture the sea, metaphorically, elevate and get flown to Jerusalem, in a prophesized sign and miracle event which will be observed by billions all over the world.
In essence, Merkava discovery establishes that the Bible is a non-human document coded via AI around its core knowledge of the Merkava Method, and that reality and history on earth are the product of an orderly, pre-written script, an educational plan. The universe is an artificial system eternally created, governed and regenerated via the Merkava method knowledge. Every Earthly element is created according to a plan by “angels” i.e., representatives of civilization(s) which are member(s) of the Heavenly Armies. Most likely several civilizations collaborated in creation of our planet and solar system. The creation plan goals: To prepare Man throughout earthly life for the consciousness / task of a Creator, a mature descendant of God and a new participant in the universal creation. The supreme purpose: Love, regeneration of life in the universe. Procreation.
In addition to Merkava engineering knowledge and its End Times implications for mankind, the Bible reveals Aviv Ben Yakir’s name, surname, personal history, his training in the respective discovery fields and the process of his discovery. In 1996, seven years before the discovering Merkava, Mr. Ben Yakir was summoned to my office as a justice fighter and the sharpest critic and analyst of the legal and government systems in Israel. At that time his struggle was not successful, Israel remained infected with corruption and he remained a subject of multiple crimes, persecuted and crucified. Merkava knowledge was revealed by him while in exile in the USA. Upon inventing the most efficient sailboat to date, he found himself climbing a technological and spiritual ladder that in retrospect can be described as a “stairway to heaven” route dictated in advance according to a supreme plan.
In light of the current crisis in our region and in our world and our commitment as Jews to spread Light and Redemption amongst all nations – we invite here and immediately a peace and unity discourse and discussion with representatives of the Jewish religions, Islam and Christianity and representatives from all nations which are educated in sciences, holy scriptures and common sense.
Abraham’s sons Ishmael and Isaac were born and written as brothers with an evident purpose. The same applies to the appearance of Jesus as a Jew, his crucifixion and the spread of Christianity, the appearance of Muhammad and the spread of Islamic teachings, the Inquisition, the Holocaust, etc. History and reality were and are always the product of a staged scripted film. Clearly now the separation of the brothers and the religions and the conflicts between them were staged aimed to unite them at the end of the earthly-life training i.e. now. The Creator integrated into his plan key deceptions and distortions of truth and justice, wars, destruction and plunder, all of which were required for the plan to evolve so that we would aspire and learn to get rid of them. The Bible prepares Man not for worship but for fellowship with his creator as written in the prophecy “They will neither harm or destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Yahweh as the waters cover the sea” (Issaiah 11,9). The promised land for the Hebrew people in the eastern Mediterranean is a mere symbol and launch-pad of the full promised land offered via Merkava to all people which embraces the whole universe. I’ve explained here just the key elements of the Merkava discovery, as they affect the state of Man and our world which obviously dictates and requires correction and upgrade.
I turn to you, our alleged enemies from Hamas, Hizballah, from Islam in general. You are our brothers and this is how we will treat you. That’s why we leave our swords, knowing that like us Jews, you children of Abraham were also destined to realize your covenant – our covenant with our one and only creator. Therefore, please stop the killing and let’s together help the harbinger of redemption, the Mahadi, in the building; of the “Creator’s Vessel” and of a new world order.
Today we are obliged to rise above hatred, fury and revenge feelings, above greed, wars, and embrace our reality as an educational workshop guided from above. We are destined to unite.
Merkava Project – the Future pfoject
Merkava Method Discovery, Summary
Video (feature-film draft) Merkava – secrete of the bible, of redemption, of creation
(English sub.)